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Text File | 1994-05-18 | 11.1 KB | 363 lines | [TEXT/SPEK] |
- With the availability of the Speech Manager, i found few applications which could
- take advantage of it. Since none are currently readily available, i decided to
- make my own!
- Speaker 1.14 is a no-frills text editor, with speech capabilities, which works
- with TEXT files. Speaker will _NOT_ work without Apple's Speech Manager. So
- far, the only place i know this is available from (aside from developer CD's)
- is the internet at ftp.apple.com
- Getting Speaker to Speak
- ------------------------
- Speaker has several different speaking modes.
- Note: Large voices such as the Macintalk Pro voices, require lots and lots
- of memory. From my experience, at least 5 megabytes. This space is taken
- by System meory, by the Speech Manager, so it is not necessary to change the
- memory size of Speaker. Just have the memory available (i.e. around
- 2.5 megabytes of unused memory showing in the About This Macintosh dialog from
- the Finder). Compressed voices take up much less memory.
- Speaking by Return Key
- The first speaking mode is by the Return key. Whenever you type something
- and press return, Speaker will say the line you just typed. If you press
- Return on a blank line, Speaker will repeat whatever was last spoken. If the
- insertion cursor is moved to a line with text, and the return key is pressed,
- the line which the cursor is in will be spoken.
- To disable this speaking mode, toggle the Disable Speech item under the Voice
- menu.
- Speaking by Line
- The next speaking mode is by line. Choose Speak Line from the File menu (or
- command L) and the line in which the cursor is located will be spoken.
- Speaking by File
- To speak the entire file, choose Speak File from the File menu (or command F).
- Speaking by Selection
- To speak by selection, select the desired text to be spoken. Choose Speak
- Selection from the File menu (or command I).
- In addition, you may place the insertion point anywhere in your document
- and choose Speak Selection. All text from the insertion point to the
- end of the document will be spoken.
- Speaking via Apple Events (Programmers only!)
- To speaker via AppleEvents, send an AppleEvent to Speaker with the following attributes:
- Event Class: kSpeechEventClass
- Event ID: kAESpeakText
- These are defined via:
- #define kSpeechEventClass 'SPEK'
- #define kAESpeakText 'Say '
- Thus, your call to AECreateAppleEvent will look something like this:
- err=AECreateAppleEvent(kSpeechEventClass,kAESpeakText,&target,kAutoGenerateReturnID,
- kAnyTransactionID,&appleevent);
- After creating the AppleEvent, use AEPutParamPtr to add a parameter of the following attr:
- keyword: keyDirectObject
- type: typeChar
- Thus, your call to AEPutParamPtr will look something like this:
- err=AEPutParamPtr(&theEvent,keyDirectObject,typeChar,thetext,length);
- thetext represents a pointer to the text, and length is the length of the text.
- Note: The limit of the text legnth is 32768 bytes!
- Finally, when sending the AppleEvent via AESend, do not request a reply--you won't get one!
- the call looks something like:
- err=AESend(&theEvent,&reply,kAENoReply+kAENeverInteract,kAEHighPriority,
- kAEDefaultTimeout,idleproc,nil);
- Aborting Speech
- Speech can be abored by clicking the mouse.
- Changing Voice, Pitch, and Rate
- -------------------------------
- Change the voice, pitch, or rate by choosing the corresponding item from under the
- Voice menu.
- Note: Some voices are a little picky about pitch and rate. Thus, values will
- be rounded to the nearest amount which the voice will accept.
- In the event that voices are added or removed while Speaker is running, use the
- Update Voices menu choice to update the voice list.
- Saving the Default Voice
- If there is a particular voice which you want to be automatically selected when
- Speaker is launched, save the voice as the default.
- To save the default voice: 1. Choose the voice. 2. Select "Save Default Voice" from
- the voice menu.
- Preferences
- -----------
- Speaker can now automatically speak a) files which are openned from the finder (i.e.,
- drag and drop) or b) files which are openned via the File menu.
- Dictionaries
- ------------
- Sometimes, words are mispronounced. Dictionaries help alleviate this problem
- by allowing you to specify the correct proununciation through the use of phonemes.
- Phonemes are symbolic representations of the various, common sounds found in
- speech. For example, "bout" and "how" have the same 'o' sound, even though they
- are spelled diferently. Thus, the same phoneme would be used to represent this
- 'o' sound.
- Dictionary information is kept in a file called "Dictionary." This allows
- you to use other people's dictionaries, fairly easily, by replacing this
- file with the new dictionary. In the future, i may add an import capability
- or something, but i hope the current configuration is good enough for now.
- To enter a new Dictionary entry:
- 1. Type in the word to convert in the text field.
- Note:Avoid using capital letters. The Macintalk Pro voices don't seem to like
- them.
- 2. Click on the Convert button.
- This button converts the word you typed into phonemes. This will be the speaker's
- "best guess". This button alleviates the need of making a phoneme
- from scratch.
- 3. Edit the Phoneme.
- See below for a summary of phonemes and other codes.
- 4. Click on the Speak It button to test the pronunciation of the word.
- 5. When you are satisfied, click on the New button.
- If an entry has already been made, under the exact same word, The Speaker
- beep because it does not allow duplicate dictionary entries.
- To change a Dictionary Entry:
- 1. Click on the Dictionary Entry in the Entry list.
- 2. Change either the word itself, or the phoneme which represents it.
- 3. Test the pronunciation with the Speak It button.
- 4. When satisfied with the changes, click on the Replace button.
- To delete a Dictionary Entry:
- 1. Click on the Dictionary Entry in the Entry list.
- 2. Click on the Delete button.
- There is a limit of 256 character for dictionary entries and their phoneme counterparts.
- Memory cavaet! If The Speaker is unsuccessful in loading the speech channel (usually
- because there is not enough memory) the Convert to phonemes and Say It functions will
- not work! This is very, very very true when you try to use the Macintalk Pro voices
- which take up gobs and gobs of memory!
- Technical Notes
- ---------------
- For programmers interested in the dictionaries used in The Speaker: The dictionary
- resource is of type 'dict' and is id #128. Just use ResEdit to copy it out.
- Currently, The Speaker's dictionary resources are modeled after the example dictionary
- Rez file which came with the Speech Manager. Thus, (in case you're importing
- dictionaries into the Speaker) it does not support abreviation entries, and accepts
- no more and no less than two fields per entry, the first one begin the text
- representation, the second being the phoneme.
- Also, you might notice the dictionary list is not sorted. Version 1.11 now sorts
- the list. Unfortunately, i only implemented a selection sort, which is kinduv slow.
- Thus, the request is still here for some nice quicksort code, which sorts an array
- of n items of any size.
- Phonemes Codes and Prosodic Controls
- ------------------------------------
- More information on Phonemes can be found in the Speech Manager Documentation,
- available at ftp.apple.com, in the same directory as the Speech Manager itself.
- Note: Phoneme codes are case sensitive!
- Phoneme Example Phoneme Example
- ------- ------- ------- -------
- AE h<a>t g <g>reat
- EY g<a>te h <h>ope
- AO b<au>ght J <j>oke
- AX <a>gast k <c>ool
- IY m<ee>t l <l>oom
- EH m<e>t m <m>ace
- IH b<i>t n <kn>ock
- AY b<i>te N ba<ng>
- IX clos<e>s p <p>ing
- AA l<o>t r <wr>ong
- UW l<oo>t s <s>atin
- UH c<oo>k S <sh>oes
- UX m<u>d t <t>alk
- OW <oa>t T <th>eme
- AW b<ou>t v <v>isit
- OY t<oy> w <w>alk
- b <b>eam y <y>ank
- C <ch>oke z <z>ebra
- d <d>ark Z <j>aque <g>enre
- D <th>ose % silence
- f <f>ake @ breath intake
- Examples:
- Word: Anticipation Supercede
- Phoneme: AEntIHsIXpEYSAXn _sUWpAXrsIYd
- Posodic Codes
- -------------
- These are used in conjunction with phonemes to fine tune pronunciation.
- Code Description
- Stresses
- Primary Stress 1 AEnt2IHsIXp1EYSAXn
- Secondary Stress 2 (anticipation)
- Syllables
- Syllable break = Breaks up word into Syllables
- AEn=t2IH=sIX=p1EY=SAXn
- (anticipation)
- Word Prominence
- Unstressed ~
- Normal Stress _ (underscore)
- Emphatic Stress +
- Prosodic
- Pitch rise /
- Pitch fall \
- Lengthen phoneme >
- Shorten phoneme <
- Examples:
- Anticipation
- AEn=t2IH=sIX=p1EY=SAXn
- Various punctuation marks further adjust timing and are sometimes useful
- when dealing with sentences. See the Speech Manager documentation for more info.
- Macros and Embedded Speech Commands (advanced)
- ----------------------------------------------
- Speaker allows you to save commonly used strings in a file named Speaker Macros.
- Every line in this file is considered a seperate macro. Blank lines are ignored.
- Currently, this file contains Speech Manager commands which can be embedded in
- spoken text to alter the way text is spoken. Open the file named "Embedded Codes
- Demo" for various examples.
- Macro lines have a limit of 256 characters. There is a current Macro limit of
- 1000 (should be more than enough since i've never seen a menu with 1000 items
- in it!).
- To re-read the macros file (in case it has/is changed while Speaker is running),
- choose the Re-Read File item from the Macros menu. If you edit the file from
- within Speaker, you must close the file before re-reading it.
- Distribution
- ------------
- You may non-commercially distribute this software provided all files that came
- with this archive remain intact, un-modified, and together.
- Oh, and by the way, this software is FREE. Have fun with it.
- Disclaimer
- ----------
- There is no expressed waranty, etc, etc., etc. Use this software at your own
- risk.
- The purpose of this software is not to crash your machine, but if it trashes
- your hard drive which contains $1,000,000 worth of client data on it, and
- you don't have a backup (shame, shame!), don't come looking for me to collect
- damages.
- Nostalgia Note
- --------------
- Back in the old days, when the Apple // was fairly prominent, there were a
- couple programs that did similar stuff to the Speech Manager. A neat one
- was called the Cat's Meow which worked with the good o'l Apple Cat modem,
- and allowed you to transmit speech directly to the phone. Neat little toy.
- The current Macintalk voices don't sound too much better than those generated
- on the 1982 Apple //....Hope Apple makes some better voices.
- Questions? Suggestions? Source Code needed?
- -------------------------------------------
- If you have any questions, or suggestions, write me! If you want source code,
- my only request is that you have an e-mail account on the internet (because this
- doesn't cost me $$), and that if you copy source code, ya give me a little
- credit (one of those option-command-control-drag-click menus/dialogs would
- be fine!).
- Internet: eshieh@cory.berkeley.edu
- Compuserve: 76164,765
- US Postal:
- Eric Shieh
- P.O. Box 1235
- Danville, CA 94526